The soil itself, too, gives indications of the presence of
In boring for water, the soil should always become more
and more humid, and, the deeper the descent, with the greater
facility the implements should penetrate. In deep-sunk wells,
the presence of sulphureous[6] or aluminous substances is fatal
to the sinkers; a danger that may be guarded against by letting
down a lighted lamp, and ascertaining whether the flame is
extinguished. When such is found to be the case, it is the
practice to sink vent-holes on each side of the well, both right
and left, in order to receive and carry off the noxious exhalations. Independently of these evils, the air becomes heavier,
from the great depth merely of the excavation, an inconvenience
which is remedied by keeping up a continual circulation with
ventilators of linen cloth. As soon as water is reached, walls
Some waters, the sources of which do not lie on elevated ground, are coldest at the beginning of spring, being maintained by the winter rains in fact. Others, again, are coldest at the rising of the Dog-star—peculiarities, both of them, to be witnessed at Pella in Macedonia; for in front of that city there is a marsh-spring, which at the beginning of summer is cold, while in the more elevated parts of the city the water is ice-cold[8] in the hottest days of summer. The same is the case, too, at Chios, the water-supply of the harbour and of the city occupying the same relative positions. At Athens, the water of the Fountain Enneacrunos[9] is colder in a cloudy summer than the well there in the garden of Jupiter; while on the other hand, this last is ice-cold during the drought of a hot summer. For the most part, however, wells are coldest about the rising of Arcturus.[10]
(4.) The water-supply of wells never fails in summer, but in all cases it falls low during four days at the rising of the constellation above-mentioned. Throughout the whole winter, on the other hand, many wells entirely fail; as in the neighbourhood of Olynthus, for example, where the water returns in the early days of spring. In Sicily too, in the vicinity of Messana and Mylæ, the springs are entirely dry throughout the winter, while in summer they overflow and form quite a river. At Apollonia in Pontus there is to be seen, near the sea-shore, a fountain which overflows in summer only, and mostly about the rising of the Dog-star; should the summer, however, not be so hot as usual, its water is less abundant. Certain soils become drier in consequence of rain, that in the territory of Narnia for example: a fact which M. Cicero has mentioned in his "Admiranda," with a statement that drought is there productive of mud, and rain of dust.[11]